GTAA Terminal 3 – Non-Passenger Screening Vehicle Checkpoint

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Greater Toronto Airports Authority – Non-Passenger Screening Vehicle Checkpoint

Mississauga, ON

Client: Greater Toronto Airports Authority
Delivery Model: Design-Bid-Build
Prime Consultant: WSP Group
Value: $14.5 million
Completion: November 2019

GTAA Non Passenger Screening Vehicle Checkpoint Large

The Non-Passenger Screening Vehicle (NPSV) Checkpoint project is located at Pearson International Airport. The facility functions as the main access and screening facility for nonpassenger vehicles entering the southern side of the airport’s airside areas.

Our contract included the installation of five separate structures. These structures consist of three pre-engineered vehicle canopies allowing vehicle queueing and inspection, the NPSV building, and a 96-metre-long retaining wall.

Complex coordination between groundside and airside work areas was required to allow for continual maintenance and monitoring of safety and security systems. To perform the work in this highly secure environment, the Primary Security Line was modified to create a groundside work area. This delineated normally secured areas and allowed construction activities to be completed groundside without the time consuming and rigorous security checks.